It's not too often that I come across a good cheap business opportunity but this one has WINNER written all over it!
Kyss caught the attention of Gene Simmons of the band KISS which is what the site was previously named but because of legal issues ( and a cease and desist letter from the bands lawyer) they had to change the name to Kyss.
Here listed below are some really good reasons why you should give Kyss a try:
Ground floor opportunity
A true Marketing Niche
Complementary Income
Does not compete with other companies
viral or word of mouth marketing (sponsor: Heather Parkin-South)
no conference calls or meetings just SHARE
Each person is time stamped in the matrix upon entering
2X10 non sponsoring forced matrix. For every 100 people that are placed or sponsored under you, you will be reinserted back into the matrix which means constant income.
You only need to bring in one person, but why stop there!
Direct referrals earn you more money! (sponsor: Heather Parkin-South)
$10 monthly fee comes out when you start making commissions so you don't need to pay out of your pocket when you get reinserted into the matrix after your first 100 people which you will get really fast!
It's lip balm and mints! Seamless,low cost items, goes across all borders!
Or Give A Kyss and help out kids in underdeveloped countries!
Europe and Austrailia are already jumping in!
No hassles for international signups.
No need to put in social insurance number (sponsor: Heather Parkin-South)
Electric currency is in the works for commissions
Everyone in the WORLD can participate which means lots of people in your downline!
July is coming up fast! The Sooner you get in the bigger your downline will be!
Are You Ready For It!